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Mission and Vision Statements – Press Room

Welcome to the Press Room for Mission and Vision Statements: Your Path to a Successful Business Future

The Press Room has been assembled to provide articles to help you better understand and use mission and vision statements. These articles demonstrate the significance of mission and vision statements and how others have used them to further their businesses and personal lives.

Recent Mission Vision Press

12/08/05 — Internet Consulting Company Shifts Business Focus with Mission and Vision Statements

04/29/05 — Can You Explain Your Business?

03/04/05 — Mission and Vision Statements Urged for Fitness Professionals

02/03/05 — Network Marketers Find Focal Point for Action Through Mission and Vision Statements

01/11/05 — So, You’ve Got Your Marketing Plan…. Got Mission and Vision?

12/15/04 — Be a Boss, a Star to Follow – Have Mission and Vision Statements that Lead

09/09/04 — Business Ethics Professor Cites Mission and Vision Process Transformational in Business Practice and Performance

08/01/04 — Association Director Sees Mission and Vision Process to Create a Unified Partnership

07/01/04 — Firefighter Says Personal Mission and Vision Helps Combat Fire

06/08/04 — How to Write a Successful Mission & Vision Statement

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